Ceramic residency in Svitene, Latvia

April 2023

This creative journey and ceramic residency focused on the element of Water and was inspired by a tale of where two rivers meet. When first arriving in Latvia I explored the land I wanted to respond and create artwork from and for and discovered that Bauska, the nearby town I was staying not far from was where two rivers, the Mūsa and Mēmele, converged.


Their story of travel across the landscape, once fallen snow, now gently expressed and melted into river song was where I drew inspiration from, and through a series of ceramic explorations, culminated in a series of installations and an honouring ceremony along her various river banks. This humble offering of a ceramic nature mandala alongside one of the rivers, with Bauska’s impressive castle in the background, had the intention of release, letting go, letting in, and honouring all that the rivers, clouds, lakes, dew, oceans, streams, and snow offer to us daily. All human life sprang alongside the banks of a river or ocean, and my intention was to honour this selfless life giving energy with a small act of creativity. All the glazes were created during the residency, and were a culmination of colour palettes that were imprinted onto me during my various visits along the water’s edge. I do believe nature responds to our willingness to create in her honour, that she receives our love just as willingly as she gives to us. 

Below are some snapshots of inspiration of colours found in river beds, the hues of visiting the river, the textures of ice and wind and place that informed the work: